Thursday 17 November 2016

Love me. I'm organic

If I were married to myself...could I stay with myself?

My house would be  quiet. frightening. wild. boring. fun. I would want to leave. I would want to stay. I would be scared. How confusing...
Who am I?
I don't know who I am, because I was never encouraged, even expected to be different?  I am confused,  have no idea how to be myself. I grew up being told how to act by people who were told how to act themselves and they had never mastered it right anyway. How do you teach a child to be themselves when you cant even be yourself? Aren't we a reflection of our parents? So does this mean they made me like this? Fuck! I'm confused!!!I guess in a way yeah...but I guess you also get to a stage where you get to chose if you want to be that person or not! But who do I want to be? I want to be myself, and no idea who ''myself is''. So I re-invent myself....

I just want to be happy okay...really really freaking happy! But do we really become happy? Or do we just become OK?
What is happiness to me?
It loving myself unconditionally, loving what I do and doing it best, its being alone and being totally content with myself. Its swimming in the sea naked, its travelling across Africa, the world and swimming in all the seas of the world. Its experiencing being outside your country for the very first time. Its dipping in the cold ocean and getting a shock of your life but feeling so alive afterwards. It meeting amazing people and sharing those feelings with the each other. It making love and experiencing multiple orgasms, for the first time, and again and realizing that someone can take you to another dimension, another universe and you can go multiple times till you are satisfied. Happiness is being loved back, having been loved, loving someone and having them love you with their all.

What were the happiest times of my life?
When I was experiencing life on my own terms!

Whats the biggest lesson on love and life I have learnt so far?   When you meet that person, one of your soulmates. let the connection, relationship, be what it is. It may be five minute, five hours,five days,five months, five years,a lifetime. Let it manifest itself the way it is meant to. It has an organic, natural destiny,that way if it stays or if it leaves, you will be softer, from having been loved this authentically. Let things happen naturally.

One of the best feelings?
 Is learning something wonderful about yourself and wondering what else you have been hiding
An orgasm.... multiple orgasms
Being loved
Accepting your self
Falling in love, with yourself, with your life, every aspect of it


Do I want to live in a movie? No, I want to live in  a book!

Who are the coolest people?
I think people who change the way we look at the world are the coolest. They must have the hardest time in life. Because they are being themselves in a world that is constantly trying to change them. I think it takes a lot of energy, guts to be that person.

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